is it only females who are able to multi task. because over the weekend a male aber posted he was sitting on the couch with his other half sharing chocolate , listening to music , talking to friends on msn, and answering questions on B S , impressive or what ?
Crete I think you think I have some problem with you where as I just answer each question as it comes regardless of who its from, its you that bought up 'here it goes again' so maybe you think to much of the past. I dont love you, dont adore you or hate you, you're just another member, I already love 2 members on here so I'm afraid my heart doesnt have any more room for you, sorry to dissapoint :-) lol
Multitasking not only lowers efficiency and creates errors in the tasks performed, but also compromises memory, causes back pain, can give people flu and indigestion, and even hurts teeth and gums. When people are presented with a visual task, neurons in the visual cortex are working and when people pay attention to auditory stimuli, neurons in another part of the brain begin to work.
But when you try to do both - such as drive and talk on a mobile phone - metabolic activity in both parts of the brain goes down. The brain actually begins to shut down, as not only can't the brain do it; it refuses to do it. Poor task completion and lowered efficiency result.
Thus, although men cannot multi-task, they are efficient and productive. Better to do a job well than half of lots of jobs badly, innit?
May be a quiet future together if you try and realise that if I put an answer that you dont agree with its not because its you :-) then everything will be ok. I disagree with some because its my opinion, me and oct dont agree on alot but they give the best mature debate I know.
It works both ways rugeley. I keep saying this to my pregnant wife... Yes dear, you may be able to listen to two conversations at once but can you change the wheel on my car at the same time?