Whiffey has been busted on a few occasions.
The famous one as Dr Chandra, when his dear friend crete mentioned "Where is Dr C, did he go to India?" I replied that he was just a figment of his imagination, and when Whiffey asked me to prove this, I downloaded the link from the shammy doctor's first posting. Screwed to the wall!
Now we have another incarnation Theland, who strangely enough has asked equally odd Q's in a very similar vein to Dr C. On a recent thread, again Whiffey answered the bible basher's Q, and this was by no means as a scam - he did not realise until I busted him. Nobody seemed to pick up on this though, but like Dr C, Theland seems to have taken leave, (of his senses, also lol).
As Pippa mentions, the drainpipe episode(s) from Whiffey and Russian is far too coincidental!!
Whiffey was the first to tell us all how to log on with various usernames, with several windows open - but hasn't quite mastered it himself - to make it foolproof!!