I had this several years ago to help me cope whilst in a bad marraige (-which i didnt realise i was in, at the time). I was a total bag of nerves, had no self confidence or self esteem, hated myself and basically wondered why i was even alive. I went to and paid for 6 sessions -which cost a fortune - and finished with a cassette tape that i had to listen to as often as possible - used as positive affirmations, i now realise. I have to be honest - i was quite sceptical it wouldnt work and it didnt.
There are many books available on positive thinking, affirmations and how to be happy with what you have or how to change your life. The best piece of advice i was ever given was this:-
Your brain doesnt know whats good for you or whats bad for you - so you may as well feed it positive ideas about yourself rather than negative ones.
Years after my hypno experience i trained to be a facilitator for courses in positive thinking, helping people to overcome their perceived obstacles and to realise their own potential. We can BE or DO anything if we put our minds to it. Visualisation is an important factor in this tho and some people are unable to do this (eg. if you are autistic, asperger sufferer). Hope this helps.