Ok , Michelle I'd like to offer you my condolences about your brother etc youve been through an awful lot and are understandably feeling insecure and worried about a lot of things. First off, you can't turn back time, all you can do is learn from what you've been through and not make the same mistakes you've seen others make and you might have made yourself. You sound to me as if, under all of the hurt and fear, you have your head screwed on very well. Look at what you have achieved thus far. You've found a good, loving, stable relatrionship and you are pregnant. That's the basis for a great deal of happiness, don't lose sight of that. Your Mum, I am sure, is grieving in her own way, not everyone cries, or cries openly even to family and as you say you love her you can use these horrible events to really build your relationship and make it what you both want. Communicate and be honest with each other and go from there.Don't hang on to things from the past, remember by all means, but it's your life ahead of you , you need to think about and the new person you're going to be bringing into the world.They need calmness, love and stability and it looks like you are right on course to give them that, just give yourself a break and appreciate that you are bound to feel the way you do at the moment. It's ok. Nothing bad will happen, there is no pattern here, it's just that life is sometimes awful and unfair and during the course of it we all have to lose some people that we love.Just accept that there are folk worse off than you, and folk better off, but this is where you are and you need to make the most of everything you have so your life can be as relaxed and happy as possible and that of your child also. Don't be hard on yourself and give yourself time, it'll all be fine.