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favourite smells

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quattro | 21:30 Wed 13th Aug 2003 | Body & Soul
23 Answers
What is your favourite smell and why ? mine is TCP because it reminds me of when I was young and a girl I used to go out with used to put it on her spots . I can't remember her but the smell makes me remember that time of life


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The PE cupboards at school... all the rubber i guess ; )
JOOP - for men it is the most delicious smell ever.
Mingled smell......stepping off a plane in a Mediterainian (?) airport to the smell of the heat, the pine trees and the aircraft fuel - reminds me of a similar thing, standing outside the local station as a kid - fresh coal, loco fumes and bindweed on the railings.
Single smell.....Palmolive soap - Grandma, Virol (an ancient tonic for children, sort of Iron & Yeast) - Ma, Brylcreem - Pa......
Most evocative...Patchouli - my youth!

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