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things you do for money.............

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curlyfilm | 01:37 Fri 15th Dec 2006 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
what things have you done or would do for money or gain....................?


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I go to work!!

Must admit I don't want to but I have to :-(
Be in the biggest band in the world......i.e. a band made up of me and my friends, not U2. I appreciate U2, but I don't think they need me particularly.

This might not seem too hard, but if you factor in touring commitments, PR, promotion, the demands of obsessive fans, etc.

But yes, I'd do it for the power. 'Cos if Bono can be nominated for World Bank President, just think what'd happen if you manage to become the frontman of the new Beatles....
Years ago I did things I shouldn't have done, naughty things that I am not proud of, then I met my wife and I have behaved ever since, I am not saying what I did but it could have got very serious, I will forever be thankfull I met her at the right time for me.
I've done all sorts for charity, been sold at a slave auction wearing a leopard print bikini, walked the streets dressed as a schoolgirl and in a basque, fishnet stockings, and suspenders to encourage nice young men to donate their pennies (works a treat haha ;)).

Also hitched from Aberystwyth to Glasgow on a jailbreak, did a 36 mile canoe rally, all sorts.

Amazing what people will give you money for charity for, was collecting at the Bridgewater Carnival dressed in the basque get up. Was approached by a group of guys who asked for a christmas kiss, made quite a bit for charity that night, they were giving me fivers for a quick peck!! :)

Remember when I was a cleaner, was cleaning some windows just before Christmas and a guy came up and told me I was too beautiful to be cleaning windows and pushed �20 into my hand and told me to go get myself a drink!!!

ray is beginning to sound like nox.
I wore a great big over sized and dirty duck suit which smelled of BO (why to this day i did it i dont know) and walked up and doen Putney High st in SW London giving out flyers for a no name chicken and chips shop. I went into the shopping centre and got chucked out, so i beacme disillusioned and went shopping in Superdrug with my duck suit on and got funny looks. Never again! I only got about �20!
Ray...were you a porn star
Not really crete, I have never been in prison, I have never touched drugs, but I did some things I shouldn't have, I think nox is a very intelligent man and probably the wisest one on this site.
No Zorro, I would admit to that.
Lol zorro

No your not Ray
I work as a student ambassador, it's good money �6.12 p.h. but you dont need to do much, just take school-leavers on campus tours and officiate at open days. Occasionally you get big events where you have to do a student 'life talk' (if you want to). It's really good, I suggest that students do it, it builds up your confidence too.

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things you do for money.............

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