help me with my new bird please!!! in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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help me with my new bird please!!!

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xwonderwhyx | 19:20 Sun 17th Dec 2006 | Animals & Nature
9 Answers
so i have this new bird, a parakeet, that has an injured leg...he( or she) was attacked by some other birds and now im trying to nurse it back to health...i have a cage but im scared the bird will be too cold...should i put a light next to the cage or a sheet/towel over the top??? please help...any tips or info would be of great use...
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have a look at this, hopefully it may be of some help, sorry but I don't know anything about birds.

http://www.rspb.org.uk/advice/helpingbirds/hea lth/injuredbirds/index.asp
Hi, has he been seen by a vet? Other than that all you can do is keep him warm and quiet and make sure he has easy access to water. let us know how he is doing.

Lisa x

ps Hi Warpig....You OK?
I have an african grey and used to have an amazon green, and found that a sheet or blanket over the cage was more than enough to keep them warm at night. Make sure to leave a space so that air can circulate in the cage, and if you're still concerned then placing a radiator behind the cage (but not under the blanket or the bird will overheat) is very effective. This obviously worked well because the amazon green only died two years ago, at the grand old age of 60.
Hi lisa, yes I am fine thanks, you?
....am great thanks.....just keepin' my head down and staying out of trouble ;o]
Hi, first port of call is always the vet- have you been? It is difficult to nurse an animal/ bird without the vets help Good luck!
ha ha lisa, know the feeling, but if it is of any consolation I was in complete agreement with you.
Awwwww...love ya warpig....Merry christmas...Lisa x

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help me with my new bird please!!!

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