I hate sharing my bed lol honest I really do, I love my bed,its my little sanctuary and I have it just the way I want it. When mr cat isnt here I have one side of it with loads of pillows piled up so i can watch tv or read. When I'm reading I lie on my side with the pillows in a pile holding the book in the right position, when I want to sleep I go to the other side where the pillows are flatter. I love having sheets and blankets rather that a duvet, I like crawling under heavy covers lol
I have to have at least one cover, even when it's hot. I like my bedroom and bed to be cold (no electric blankets for em ) but I do like a hot water bottle. I always sleep on my side too, cant sleep on my back, and my cats sleep in my bed (on top of me usually)
See? Just perfectly normal and not fussy lol