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What makes you melt?

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Eve | 12:14 Sat 30th Dec 2006 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
Something a partner or ex partner does or someone you have had a crush on.

Or something else?


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Just a smile.
When it's for me.
Just being themselves.... gets me everytime.
Definitely the way my boyfriend smiles at me - ooooohh!!
my hubbys smile .......or my children telling me they love me. i know it is unconditional and from the heart :o)
what makes me melt? hmmm... It would have to be when I get thrown into the fire.. God that just makes me melt totally!

Seriously though... if a hot girl looks in to my eyes and smiles... Damn. Awesome.
when my 3yr old comes up to me and gives me a big hug and says she loves me
one of my ex-girlfriends' Swedish accent.............jag alskar dej pa evigt.
When my gf kisses me really slowly and softly

When my cat looks at me with her eyes really wide and big in a needy kind of way (contradiction I know, but a cats' version of "puppy dog" eyes)
Hmmm, something my ex ex partner did was look up at me whilst pleasuring me, then swallow and wipe her mouth. The way she looked up at me just made my knees go...
Sorry, actually just read what i wrote. I apologise. its my first saturday night in :(
Lol again Mr Ben

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What makes you melt?

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