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Ladies - please don't do what I have just done!

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PinkFizz | 18:29 Fri 05th Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
15 Answers
Just a word of warning,not a question. If you should happen to buy a ladies shaving cream/lotion containing aloe vera.camomile and TEA TREE OIL, please only use it to shave your legs,and not your nether regions........aaagggghhhhh!!! I think you get the gist!


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lol............did it tingle!!!
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Lets just say I feel as though I have scrubbed my bits with very minty mouthwash!!!
whoops.....I did that once.....

Hey......BF is home tonight, we all know what you will be doing!!!!
Oh PinkFizz. All I can say is ouch ouch ouuuuuuuuuuuuuch !!! Did it sting as much as I think it does ? Never done that I must admit but only because I read the packet from cover to cover first (A rarity for me. I normally just whack things on and hope for the best. Five min patch test ? Pah !) and saw that it can't be used for that and that you have to buy a separate one for your more , erm , delicate bits. Ooh , nasty.
Honey I feel your pain, I have some Cola Cubes if want one to cheer you up :) xxx
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Yes I am beautifying myself ladies!!

All I can say is Praise The Lord I didn't nick myself - I think you would have to have scrape me down off the ceiling!!
go deal with it instead of posting on the site : )
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Sorry crete - what are you trying to say?
reminds me of the time I applied some 'deep heat' on my thighs and got some on my crown jewels.....guys...don't even think about it!
john, just like chopping a kilo of chillies, and popping for a wee
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I watched a romantic film once where she seduced him whilst still cooking, where chillies must have been involved - she dragged him to bedroom and then all you saw was her screaming and leaping into shower cursing him like merry hell!! I guess he didnt have time to wash his hands!! lol
i spent half hour running around the ship where it happened.......ouch
I quite like that minty feeling...;o)
Another tip do not mistake deep heat for ky jelly. that is from a very unpleasent memory.! (if he wears glasses get him to put them on and read the tube first)
Ow ow ow, Pinkfizz! My condolences, and thanks for the timely safety tip. It's wonderful that through your pain you thought of saving others.

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Ladies - please don't do what I have just done!

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