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bored !!!!!!!!!!

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sleepyj | 19:55 Sat 06th Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
13 Answers
i feel so bored . everything i do goes wrong so i give up on it . i feel as im bored with my life but dont know what 2 do about it , had a really bad year last year so think its all got 2 much 2 cope with . sorry i know some people are a lot worse off than me .


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yes they are, my daughters best friend spent christmas in a coma after an anurism (?) and died last thursday at just 29 years old, she had just qualified as a nurse and bought her own flat. get on with it , things could all be snatched away in a blink of an eye.
Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.
The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.
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sorry 2 hear that dot .thats so sad . as they say life is what u make it , so its up 2 me 2 sort things out and find some thing i enjoy doing , think its a mix off after christmas blues and cold wet weather .
maybe looking for something you enjoy doing is expecting too much, try looking for something you can tolerate doing long enough to get you enough sorted to then move onto really enjoying life, aim small, miss small.
I agree with Dot there, sleepyj, insofar as when you are so low, you can only aim (even aiming at something can be a big shot...) at small things. I have been diagnosed with depression after being generally unwell (mentally) for a few months, and I know how it feels. No matter what people say, no matter how much you want to feel better, you just can't. It's especially hard if you have a naturally generous heart, as you feel guilty for not sympathising. All I can advise is talk to your GP, as mine was very understanding and gave me some pills which, not being a long term solution, make feel better nonetheless.

All the best! And as said before, try to find relief in the small things! It can be stupid, like watching You've been framed and have a few laugh, but laughing is the best therapy! xxx
Hiya sleepyj,I know its hard to relate to other problems in the world if they dont effect you directly.and your feeling down,try to be a bit more optimistic.cheer up...!has fer not worrying about the future...Im gonna worry when me son goes back to cambridge on monday,if me daughters late home from college,I worry...its natural...! I think about how there gonna cope in the future..! who doesent think of the past..and mourn about lost relatives..relationships would have to be a cold hearted bu**er if you didnt..!chin up mate...(*_*)
Listen to vinny he is a wise old clever old Hector
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thanks every one for your answers .i think a even a good walk with the dog every day can lift my mood even a long chat with friends and family can help , but i do find it hard 2 talk about how im feeling . i have a son of 12 with adhd so life is hard little thing turn in to big things .
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i dont mine im bored with my kids . i know im lucky 2 have them so life is not 2 bad after all xxxxxxxxxxxxx

pours dot another vod hehe..!hic..! (:O)
sleepy wot u gotta think is that 25 years ago your son would have just been 'a handful' and you would have had to cope, don't label the kid and let him burn up his energy and live life unhindered.
Just remember -you possibly only have your kids 'on loan'
-I lost mine altogether after my marriage ended.....Haven't seen or had contact with my eldest daughter and son for seven years now....and it hurts -so badly.....

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