the nicest aber? in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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the nicest aber?

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crete | 18:28 Mon 08th Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
39 Answers
my nicest aber nomination goes to carakeel, never a cross word pleasant to everyone, never sarcastic. unlike me, i know if i needed an auntie id choose her, lol
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Crete - you're in a spiffingly good mood today!
I agree with you crete.
Crete - you're in a spiffingly creeping mood today!
Is it the end of an era..should we be worried? in any case you have put me in a good mood today cretey :o)
I have a bunch of faves....The BiddyBankers, the best gaggle of folks to grace AB and also the funniest, long may they reign!!!
I'm with you there BOO
carakeel without a doubt!!!!

I really rate BBWCHATT as well (mostly hangs out in food and drink)

Theres a nice bunch of blokes in the football section too,
What crete?.......Not me????

No, I agree...carakeel is always so lovely

(blue smarties??)
in my opinion, the very nicest would have to be raysparx. always kind and very helpful when good advice is needed but can have a laugh too! Kind and condsiderate but of course there are lots of abers that are incredibly helpful and lovely! Too many to name!
Hmmm, are you on about the nicest looking?
i like raysparx too.

i have seen carakeel get annoyed in the past (at me i think!)
oooh BOO....I'm so sorry I snaffled your cake now.....we love you too. x

(& pixi - please say hello to her )

neti you're not allowed to vote for yourself...

Im the most pleasant ABer.....except when Im peesed or peesed off

Whiskey is a doll

And Carla is sweet as honey

There are others who are very pleasant, but like me, get into slanging matches they did not set out to get in.
crete, can I be your uncle??? pleeeeeease!!! I promise to be good!!! I will say my prayers every night!!!
-zorro- like yourself i try to be nice (generally speaking) but I have got in to a couple of slanging matches in the past, usually with the same person!!! mentioning no names, lol
Awwww, now you've got me blushing crete. Thanks sooo much for that! XXX :o) You've just made my day. There are indeed many lovely people on here who give really good advice and are patient, respectful and great fun. Raysparks, nox and my RATTER are just a few and there are many more ... too many to mention actually, but you know who you are. I have on rare occasions shown my annoyance with some of the comments, just like everyone else. You are absolutely right bedknobs, although I don't actually remember ever being annoyed with you. I guess we all have to have the odd off day. Sorry. Ta spurslady, Athley, big hugs!
Hmmm, i dont think i have ever had an off day on here. But i must say carakeel, everytime i see your name it makes me want a chocolate bar. A cadburys caramel or something...
I never get mentioned. : ((
Pink Fizz is ok .

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