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Daft but serious offer!!!!!

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PinkFizz | 23:34 Tue 09th Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
51 Answers
I am going to have a house-warming party in the next month - and anybody on here who can get to Surrey is invited!!!! I am serious!!

So....... what are you going to bring in the way of snacks,nibbles or drinkeys,and how far will you have to travel??


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Hiya Pinky!!! I'm there if i can sleep on someone's floor!!!!! its a long way from Edinburger!!!! lol

i have a double sleeping bag you can share
ooooer Curly!! can you bring your sailor's outfit and cycling shorts?? ;) xx
I'm bringing the bouncy castle and plenty of voka n' red bull - oooooOOOooooo what fun we're going to have! :oD

*scurries to the lettebox n' waits patiently for the posty to arrive with ivitation*
invitation too! :o/
Is WM going?

can the H/W wait till Aug - Sept ?? plans on the drawing board to catch up with family/friends and we're coming from Oz

Do you have any ideas of dates? I'd be flying down from Newcastle if I could manage to get time off... much more convenient than slugging it out on the train for more cash!!!

I reckon it would be just over an hour.... thats all it took when I flew to London in Dec......

May be a good idea for all the northerners to meet up and come down together?!
I would have to travel approx 88 miles......I will bring anything bargain booze has on offer
While I am down there I could do you quick service :o)
I'm sorry Pinky. I live no where near Surrey.
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Now how many of you were actually being serious about coming??
Not me.
Am i invited too?
I dont wanna just turn up, even though its an open invite.
I might not fit in with the rest of the people. I might look out of place.
I have just thought to, what if newmantoday turns up? will he not spoil the party with his woman hating antics?
I might drive down from lancs actually if anyone wants to put too to petrol. But no smoking (fags) in my car or whimpering about stuff...
So MrBen, What other smoking can they do in your car???
Hey MrBen,I may be up for it, my new BF lives in Bolton so I could visit him beforehand.
oh i wasnt here yesterday but id come too , im in same area as whiskey xx
I'm in the same area as whiskey as well
I've never driven a mini-bus before. :o(


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