Advice Needed Please. in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Advice Needed Please.

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battersby | 20:14 Mon 15th Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
I really was'nt sure where to post this. Following on from the "Asperger" topic. My son, now 21 has never had a social/care worker even though he was assessed at the age of 5. He attended 3 special need's schools and the one time I asked about a social worker I was told by the headmistress that "High Functioner's" did'nt have S/W. As both my hubby and myself are getting older and wanting to be on the safe side i-e,like being out together and both haviing an accident,we would like to know my son will be taken care of as in shared accomodation. SS told me last year that my son does'nt come under their criteria. My GP is writing to them but is dubious. I also contacted MIND with no joy. Any advice much appreciated. Daisy.
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Hi Daisy,
I do remember 1 case a little like yours where the mum fought to get her son into his own property. She did manage it and ss then had to keep an eye on him.
Perhaps a housing officer would be a start? or this for example....

http://www.cheltenham.gov.uk/libraries/documen ts/housing/council%20housing/newsletter%20cp%2 0oct%202004.pdf

I know that's for Cheltenham but there may be one in your area?....
you must not give up!!! even getting your MP on your side is something you may want to consider.
Does your son receive any disability benefits?
This one reads well as a house share..... :-)

http://www.dane-housing.co.uk/supported/specia l.htm
http://www.nas.org.uk/nas/jsp/polopoly.jsp?d=1 13

Try contacting the National Autistic Society, they may be able to give you the number of your local support group - there may be someone better equipped to advise you on how to proceed, they'll be in a better position to advise you on how to deal with your son. Don't take no for an answer from Social Services, badger them until some agrees to see him.

If all else fails contact your local MP & explain your situation , get him to investigate for you.

Also, it may be helpful to have your son assessed again. Have you tried getting your son re-assessed? Could the GP refer him?

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Hi battersby, apart from the most excellent answers you've already recieved, have a word also with Mencap, you don't have to be a member, but they will have people you could talk to, for advice etc. they deal with this sort of thing all the time.
Good Luck.

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Thanks all for replying. I had'nt thought of the NAS,I'll look up the nearest one to me..Cardiff. It's not that we want a place for C now but a careworker in case the unthinkable happen's to me an my hubby together. C is able to cook basic meal's,shower's etc no help needed and I make sure he does his own packed lunch for college (tough love).Caz, that headmistress incident was 12 years ago but I went by her and never followed it up. No beryllium, I wont give up and,if need be I will contact my MP.Froggequene,when we saw our Gp today he did'nt mention C being re assessed but I'll put that to him so thanks for that idea! Lonnie,I'll also give Mencap a ring,nothing ventured eh? I wont give up,Im too worried for my son's future. My daughter's his legal guardian but it's something I need to sort out if you get my drift. Thanks again you're all great. Daisy/battersby.
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Oooh beryllium, Just browsed that Dane Housing site. Now that's they're the sort of places I have in mind. Let battle commence..lol. Daisy.

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