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MrBen5 | 20:49 Tue 16th Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
110 Answers
I know a lot on here answer them but, Is there anyone on here who has never asked a question? If so, why?


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I can't stop humming the Mr Ben theme tune now!!!!!!!!!!!
You never his pants, did you?
oops (just my female typing!)

You never saw his pants!
Ok...I do not understand why people do not understand.

Why do you not ask questions? but yet you are on a question site?

Ok right, fine then, think it through. What if, just what if you had seen his (or her) pants ?

That is why there is so much poo here.
Lol @ Woofter
Mr Ben was definitely a 'he'
To put MrBen5 out of his misery, can anyone who has never asked a question please put up his or her hand?

I thank you : )
How many put their hands up I can't count past 2!
Question Author
No, to put me out of my misery can any female on here understand what a question mark means?
What is so important about 'asking a question' ? It's not a talent contest here, it's a bleedin Q/A site, apart from Mr.Ben who appears to be congenitally compromised. Sheesh, get a grip.
I think so : )

fellow girlies?
Only cos i have a History with English degree, but for that i would be snookered.
I haven't asked a question since September, the main reason for that is, I was getting insulting answers then I start sweaing then my question gets banned, then I get banned and then we start again, so now I just give answers, I will think of another question soon and see what happens.
What do you mean snookered you daft ha'porth ? Have you ever struggled through an Antarctic snowdrift bereft of all clothing ? Values mate, values.

Is it bedtime yet ?
I think so...

I'm going to bed to dream about Mr Ben's pants

Nighty Night : )
Hello Ray xxxx
Question Author
what does congenitally compromised mean woofter?
isnt that summat to do with the genitals? i hope your not gay and trying to come on to me. i know a man of the cloth and he wouldnt be very happy...
Hello ummmmy xx Hello Mr Ben and all you others, hello woofter, like the name.

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