As you guys are all desperate to find something to do this quiet Friday afternoon (yeah right) I thought id ask for some assistance. A friend of mine has recently been suffering from some terrible rashes and painful swollen hands and feet. Her GP has diagnosed an allergy to water and although he has given her some pills they dont appear to be working. She has a newborn son and is finding things hard to cope with at the moment so I offered to help her find info but Im having a bit of trouble with it. Does anyone have any good links with help and advice for her?
sorry octavius. Its caused by contact with water. Thats why its mainly her hands. She has tried washing her face and hair but her skin feels like its burning and this is a week after taking the prescribed tablets that are supposed to be helping.
Oh dear, poor thing. It sounds like it could be a form of hives or nettle-rash called Aquagenic urticaria, which is that caused by water. It is quite rare, but it would seem that antihistamines or anticholinergic medication are the standard treatment, these are usually taken before any contact with water. I could be wrong, but it�s worth a bit of research.
thank you octavius. Skimming through quickly it says that antibiotics and painkillers and some high blood pressure drugs can cause it.
Her baby was born by c-section after 2 weeks stay in hospital with very high BP.
I shall pass this onto her and see what she thinks
Thanks once again