I started suffering from cystitis on Sunday morning and finished a packet of 2 day medication from Morrisons, which, have worked a treat in the past.
It was definatley going away last night and I've been drinking loads of cranberry juice all day today, but suddenly, it's just come back with.... a vengence... and it feels like I also have thrush to boot!
Will Canestan cream help the burning and soothe the pain???!!!!!!!
I have heard natural yoghurt with live bacteria is very effective. You can eat loads of it or apply to the infected area - not sure for how long tho. If not canesten but Im sure you have already tried that. Poor thing. x
I've got cream at home which I'm going to apply immediately on getting in and I'm going to eat as many tubs of live yoghurt as possible, drink loads of cartons of plain, full cranberry juice and buy more cystitis medicine!!!!!!
I can't even sit on my seat, its flared up so bad in the last 1 hr...... how on earth am I going to make it all the way home on the bus????!!!!!!!
that sounds terrible I really feel for you. Have you tried washing the area at work - maybe soothing at least short term? or may make the whole thing worse! Oh good luck getting home xx
I think it may be best if you arrange a telephone consult with a GP who can prescibe some antibiotics and a pick up point from the emergency doc at the hospital.
Leave it at your own peril........
Ask for cannestan on prescription too as it's expensive over the counter lol..... :-) xxx
It may not be a simple cystitis, but possibly a urinary tract infection. This can be diagnosed by your GP with a simple dipstick urine test and antibiotics will be prescribed.
As for the thrush, ask for a prescription for the fluconazole oral tablet which will deal with it promptly and some 2% cream to help with the itching.
Got to agree natural yoghurt extremely soothing. Sanitary towel or insert a tampon soaked with it, then remove the tampon so that you get some relief inside as well.
Blimey I feel sorry for you.
You could also try some bicarbonate of soda in warm water to drink it neutralises the acid.
I can sympathise with you, i used to suffer from this a lot.It's one of those things that can't wait, very uncomfortable.I always got some antibiotics from the doctor and they worked in a matter of a couple of hours.Funnily enough I haven't suffered from it for about 3 years and i got a boring job .I was the sort of person who didn't go to the loo for hours.I thought that was a good thing.In that job i used to go to the toilet three or four times a day to get away from the pc.I realised that my bladder infection was probabaly caused by me not going to the toilet enough as bacteria can build up.I have always made sure i go every few hours and i have been free of this problem since then thank god!