Just thought i'd inform you all that i just got back to work after having my first scan and oh my gosh it was AMAZING!!!
After a few questions, she splatted the jelly over my belly and in seconds our baby was on the screen!!!
She showed us the baby's heart beating away, said everything seems normal and meausured the little ones head, waist and legs.
It was such an emotional experience, tears filled up in my eyes and my fella had tears streaming down his face.
The nice lady gave us our two pictures for free because she said they were a bit grey because i was bloated...:o( But one picture in particular is sooo cute and clear!!
Then after the exciting stuff i just had to give blood and urine samples - so fingers crossed for my results in 4 weeks!!
They don't tell you until the 2nd set of scans red, usually about 20 weeks (well they didn't with mine anyway)
And lol nat, it's very emotional isn't it? I cried like a real sad sack at both my scans. Are you now showing your work mates going...."there's a leg, there's an arm" whilst they look quizzical because they don't see what you clearly can? Or was that just me :-(
I'm sitting here awwwing at my computer screen and getting ridiculously broody so thanks hun!! I'm so glad all is fine with bubs and hope you are feeling better now. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!
thats what i thought B00, as that was the situation when i had my son in 2005. but someone mentioned a couple of weeks ago over on family that they were told at 13 week scan the sex of the baby. I questioned this and someone else posted that you can tell at that stage.
sorry nat, Im talking over your thread, apologies
lol BOO as for "workmates" its my miserable boss and hisson. I showed them my pic and they said congratulations and is amazing etc.
In my scan you can see both his/hers little arms and legs!!
My scan pictures going to go in my purse!! So i can show all my friends when we go for dinner on Wednesday!
The second scan pic the baby looks a bit like a rabbit :o(
Both his feet are in line so it looks like he's got massive feet - lol. BUt my fella was happy to take that one!
wonder if we'll see a sudden increase in pregnant ABers? lol, must admit i felt broody too, til i saw the mess my little one has just made with his crayons.