he went out to work one night and came back 20 minutes later to collect his bait which he had forgot, instead of using the key he decided to open the letter box and shout for his daughter to open the door. his daughter however was performing a act of horatio on her exceedingl;y handsome boyfriend right in front of his eyes. its one of those moments that make you sit up and squirm. i met the man again for the first time since last week. he still hates me.i now have a daughter her age and i understand. how shall i be punished
hang on a mo , i do believe i was having a good ummmming for the purpose of educating katie when all of you start stamping about the place and putting me off .
katie you'll have to imagine some parts of this as raysparks mentioned my daughter and put me off
what are you laughing at , its not very warm in here is it.
see the side effects of stopping smoking. life is cwap.
ummm pippa katie and all the rest of you get to grips with my problem here and see what you can do .
not you zorro and will you put that knife away
and will you put that fag out ray and look threough the letterbox or summink