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Individual eyelash extensions

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justasking | 20:06 Tue 30th Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
I watched a programme a while ago and a woman (kate middlemiss i think) went somewhere and got individual eyelashes put on for �15 - �25 (i think) and they last few weeks. I would like to know if theres anywhere in East London that do that? I don't want do it yourself ones i want it done by someone that puts them on for a living.


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Yes, you can get this done, but I read that it's more in the region of between �125-�150. :o(

A lot of the nail salons (Milton Keynes) around here have started doing it, too. Hope you find somewhere. ws x
well the one down the road from me does it for 15 quid... you lot in Milton Keynes are being had.
What?! Oh no, I'm beginning to think I may have read it wrong and need glasses. :o(
lol... I imagine maybe you have had.

Bearing in mind it takes no more than half an hour and the actual equipment costs maybe 2 quid.
You can get the false ones put on in a salon, I got it done a few years ago for �10, but some of them only lasted a day.

The more expensive ones are Jinny Lash but i have read reviews of them where people have been left with bald spots after the new lashes "pulled" the original ones out!
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Thanks chazza

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Individual eyelash extensions

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