Champagne, I'm in total agreeance with you, I'm 27 I have blonde hair, am naturally quite pale, with a few freckles, and feel exactly the same about sunbeds as you. I generally have a 3min sunbed once a month, predominantly for my own vanity and confidence, and am more worried about what things like smoking and drinking do to my health. With the climate changing the risk of cancer is increasing for everyone, I know I am slightly more at risk, but it is my choice.
My gym does question peoples age when they go onto the sun beds, and there is a no under 18 policy on the beds, but then the gym had a no under 18 policy too, so they would not really be using it anyway. There is also strict monitoring of how many sessions you have a week, etc.
I would certainly not class myself as a previously mentiuoned 'lil dolly birds or "little tangerine skin chaser". But admittedly I do think it is wrong for young impressionable girls to feel the need to get tango'd, it does look ridiculous, I am all for there being a law stating that only over 18's can use them.