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happy endings

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buzybee | 23:54 Sun 04th Feb 2007 | Body & Soul
74 Answers
In your opinion what film has the happiest ending?
if you think its corney...all the better!!

clips if possible!

guys i want ur opinions too, you shall not be judged!



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I thank you all for not getting my African creature praying joke re. Love Story. It is a little embarassing when one posts a joke and nobody, yes nobody, gets it!
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I didn't know that snagged. Thought he was good though so that explains it;o)
excellent buzybee
joe film too
Hello Joe :-)
Hello ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

but my fave is little nicky!!!
Yes RB.....forgot about that first film at the cinema..

How's you Mr Lion????
No i didn't get it wardy, ryan O'neal isn't African at all. :(
Oh dotty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

African creature praying=

Rhino kneel. BOOM BOOM.
ROFL @ Wardy.......I even nudged Dot on MSN to ask her what you
Do you want another joke from the wardy archive?
Oh go on then..... :)
Q) What is the weather like in Iraq?

A) Sunni in some parts sh!te in others.
LOL.....wardy why don't you start one of your music trivia threads....
Why not just name any famous person and I will link him to David Bowie? (I will aim for 5, but may be more)
ummmm, it's just aswell I'm sitting on my own.....I'd be sectioned otherwise......laffin at a puter
hello redbel you little charmer........!!!

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happy endings

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