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bounceagain | 15:44 Wed 07th Feb 2007 | Body & Soul
38 Answers
Anyone got snow by you yet?


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no but very cold crisp sunny day with blue skies.
not yet but hope when i wake up in morning we have tons of it . great cant wait .
Not yet and I really don't want it!! Snow I can handle but it's the slush and ice that comes after it that I can't bear!! I always end up doing my bambi on ice impression and it's always witnessed by some gorgeous guy or a group of kids!!
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It's on it's way...
pa-------ul. have you been at the wine ? ive never noticed before you using txt.
I'm like kate, snow great I can walk on that, ice bad...very, very bad!!

I live the same place as pa___ul :-))
itd be nice if it could hold off til the weekend. None here yet but its expected tonight
About 2 cms down here, but not falling as thickly as it was this morning.
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Where are you whiffey?
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Yay Im grey
is everything in metric now ? 2 cm would that be about an inch ?
Heard London was gonna get 6inches of snow tonight/tomorrow morning|!

i love the snow!!
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We've been told to expect the snow tonight and tomorrow,up to 6 inches deep! From me in Cardiff.
I am on a brief skiing holiday, complete with laptop, in Grindelwald.

Still quite sunny on the south coast
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pa_____________________ul, I am typing while awaiting our guide. We are having a go at the North Face of the Eiger at 4pm, which apparently is a doddle.

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