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cataracts & eye drops

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paulz | 16:27 Wed 15th Oct 2003 | Body & Soul
3 Answers
My mum's just had one of her cataracts done. She's finding putting in the drops difficult. She can't see to well out of that eye to do it, has a touch of arthritis as well. My Dad has shaky hands, so he's no help. The district nurse can't attend 4 times a day to do it any ideas? I'd seen a gadget somewhere in one of those free catalogues but can't find it. Boots & local chemist don't have anything, nor did the opticians or the eye dept at the Hospital where she had the Op done.


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This is obviously a situation which has to be resolved immediately, or your mum's recovery will be affected. You say about the district nurse - have they been asked? I know in my local area that the nurses would call in 4 times a day for this exact reason, because it is a short-term need. Have you asked the hospital for advice? A phone call to the ward consultant's secretary might be useful, they will have had this situation before and may have some advice or support to offer. No-one will want her recovery affected as, apart from the personal factor, this would be a complete waste of resources. Good luck.
ps. local social work team could also have a role. Has your mum any other care needs which would fit within a community care assessment? e.g. Is she elderly? If so, a call to the duty worker at the area team to request specific home care support for a short period may be an option.
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Brawburd thanks, have managed to find & order the gadget concerned, it's due tomorrow, not the most satisfactory solution, good old NHS!

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