I'm with you there redcrx! I am so scared of needles I can't even watch someone being injected on TV! When I was having my eldest daughter they had to wait until I was in pain with a contraction so that they could put a canula in! I just wouldn't let them near me with it lol
You can imagine the horror I felt when my husband had to inject himself (due to his health) at home for a while and was told by the nurse that it would be a good idea if I helped inject him!!!!!! I couldn't even be in the same room when he did it let alone look at the needle!!
I also have a phobia of wasps as I am allergic to their sting and I flap like a loon screaming "where did it go?, where did it go? Check it's not on me!"
nic, that is not weird, it's rather common. I once worked in an A/E over holidays, and I used to disappear and hide when the stomach washouts were done, because of the noise and smell. This for someone just off to read medicine at uni caused some difficult inner conflicts !
thanks whiffey I feel abit better now. I would have done the same - but not come back! Was in A&E once when I hurt my arm and there was someone being sick next to me. i thought I was going to loose the plot!
Just to make me feel better does anyone else havea sick phobia. I know nobody really LIKEs it but to be actually phobic....
nic, again, shared. I wish we had private messaging on here, there is a lot I could say to you about stuff like this. It is very common, most people won't admit to it though because they think it might make them look wussy.
I am reminded that I have stood in an operating theatre happily (?) watching the emergency repair of an abdominal aortic aneurysm at 3am. At the end, there was blood on the CEILING of the theatre. But stomach washouts, no no no !
When I make a fruit salad the kids like to scare him with fruit. It's true!
nic ~ you are an emetophobe. Very common phobia..my dad is one, and someone I used to work for had the same phobia. At least mine is quite seasonal..emetophobia can be a nuisance all year round :o(
i hate cows and they hate me! Seriously there could be 20 people walk through a field of cows and nothing happens, i walk in and then it starts...... they run after me, everytime!! since i was a child in fact, they can sense i'm scared of them and boy do they take advantage.