Tips to help me diet in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Tips to help me diet

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Mammar | 14:08 Fri 16th Feb 2007 | Body & Soul
22 Answers
I am struggling to lose weight.
Yes, dears, I know you'll all tell me that a size 10 figure is fine but. trust me, it has to be done.
I don't want the usual dietary advice - I could write a book on that myself - I want tips to stop me snacking.
The best one I've got so far is to join AB. I'm spending HOURS on here and rarely head for the kitchen in case I miss a vital post on Jobs and Education or Law or something.
By the way, a bulldog clip on the mouth works but hurts just a bit
OK - go for it!
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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I watch everything I eat, I eat healthily and excercise a lot, im a size 12 and simply want to get a little smaller and more toned. I have started focusing on getting my body fat% down rather than weight loss, and magically in the process my weight has gone down too. I have to fill in a food diary every day and at the end of the week take it to my gym, where they look at it and pop me on the scales and measure my % body fat.
It makes me think about what I am going to eat, if I reach for a snack item, I think about having to write it on the food diary, and the fact someone is monitoring my progress and it makes me stop. Works for me, but then different strokes for different folks... and it's less painfull than the bulldog diet.
By the way you say "ok-go for it" means your post is a joke, obviously a size 10 person does not need to diet. Do you not have any serious question that you would rather post?

Some people seem to have an awful lot of time on their hands!
If you got up to go to the fridge at least you would be getting some exercise ! ! ! He He

Go for a brisk walk every day for at least 10 mins ideally 30 mins. (Or you could do 3 X 10 min split up in the day.
Yeah Gods, you're a size 10? Id kill for that size, I dont think i've been a size 10 since I was actually 10!

If you really are that size, I should imagine it's not a diet you need but exercise for toning up?

Or you could do what I do and think "bu88er it", and head towards the fridge.
Just stop bingeing fatty!!! :oD
pmsl @ Ham

Subtle as a brick, knew I liked you for a reason!
Crisps are easy to eat while your on here.Also chocolate, peanuts ,pork scratchings. I`ve gone up since being on here not down.
Mammar... I warn you now... I have just left the 'insult Theland thread' below this one so am in a 'certain' frame of mind...

Just get a grip fatty and stop stuffing things in that big ol' hole you call a mouth... it really is that simple... and what is wrong with a size 10? Nothing... so stop your winging and get on with something more bloody productive... I now have two veins popping in my forehead thanks to you and that idiot Theland... I'm off for some calming meditation... followed by a great big fat facking cream cake... want a bite Mammer... oh... no... you can't can ya... Ha!

Tell you what... Eat your way to a size 18 and then slim your way back down to a size 10. I bet we won't hear a peep out of you again.
Sorry, Mammar, that was really harsh advice. Let me try to be a bit more constructive.

Unless you are 3ft tall, then there is no need for you as a size 10 female to be going on a diet! You need to put things into perspective because your body size is probably fine. There are a lot of women out there who would kill to be a size 10, but of course it's very difficult to sustain that great figure!

If you have had a size 10 figure for some time, then the chances are you already know the do's and don'ts about healthy eating. So if you suddenly feel your clothes getting tighter, or you have wobbly bits where you don't want them then you're either, 1) breaking your eating habits or 2) not doing enough exercise.

It's all about balance. You should always think twice about what you're putting into your body.

That's my philosophy when it comes to men! ;o)
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Crikey! You go off for a Slimmasoup and look what happens!
First of all you lot, my tongue was firmly in my cheek when I said I was a size 10. Last time I was a size 10 was probably when I was 10. Regretfully I have never been able to lose weight successfully and 4 kids don't help either.
Don't bother to say exercise as being arthritic and using a wheeled walker and crutches to move, anything other than yoga on the top of the bed is fairly impossible. I need to lose the weight in order to have successful hip operations.
So funny or positive, go for it but kind would be appreciated.

so what size ARE you?
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Miss Inq - tried the diary but not really me. I keep forgetting to do it but will pick it up again.

Here 2 - it was serious with flippant overtones. I'm trying to make light of it so constructive advice is welcomed

Boo - Spot on! I need people like you to make me laugh

Snagged and Champagne - sorry I joked about the size 10. Have a good weekend, you two - you sound cheesed off!
make a concsious effort to eat 5 portions of fruit and veg a day, its actually quite easy to do i manage it by doing the following -- banana on cereal in morning, 2 pieces of fruit at lunch time (or one as a snack between breakfast and lunch) then 2 portions of veg with dinner, also a glass of fruit juice can be counted as one of your portions, I found that when I did this for about a week it made me feel loads better and i lost weight, also one day after that first week I had a pigging out day and it just made me feel really sluggish and horrible so extra incentive to carry on with 5 a day! Thats whats working for me anyways!
Try eating some dodgy shellfish. The resulting food poisoning lasts for about a month. The weight will drop off :-)
roflmao @ ummmm!!!!
I was kind! If you need to lose weight for a hip operation consult your doctor, he will be able to advise you on the best way to do it, he will have more experience dealing with people who need alternative excercise tips and eating regimes. Especially being artritic there may be certain foods nutrients that help, or cause more problems.
My friend had to have a breast reduction, but they would not operate until she was a specific weight, the docotrs gave her brilliant advice. She was told not to do too much excercise anyway as the increades muscle meant she put more weight on.
Good luck with it.
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ummmm - tried that one some time ago with some coleslaw and, thanks, but don't choose to repeat the exercise
Moral of the story - check use-by dates!
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