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bounceagain | 15:20 Mon 19th Feb 2007 | Body & Soul
46 Answers
Is it possible to have a perfect soulmate?


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I agree with Paul a soulmate is for life and I also think if that soulmate died you would never move on. I think my granny and grandad might have possibly had that, my nan was tough, nothing phased her, when he died she cried like a baby, and has totally lost her marbles. She wants to die because he isnt around and that to me is what a soulmate would be.

Paul your reasons for fear of commitment are very endearing. I am sure you will make an excellent boyfriend because of this. If only parents relised what they were doing to us eh?
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I think you can, we've been through more together than most people go through in their lifetime. No one else would understand me having not been there at the time. This isn't having a dig it's just how I see it but I think it's personal opinion and circumstances that no one else can judge its the individual couples.
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well anything older than me is ancient.

4get is younger than me though
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I think we all have one but whether we get to find them in this big wide world of ours is another story! I think you're very lucky if you do!
Legend is 42 I think. Arent you?

Red, I have seen a pic of her, I think and she looks mid 30s, although I cant remember if I have the right girl. So if she thinks she would be too old we can summise that you would be too. Awww.... search is still on for you.
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I thought you were... troggs off to ask OJ
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no never got a telling off lol Im in Twiggy's back pocket dontcha know. After all it was you that suggested I should ask everyone else. Oj is all the all seeing eye, she is Sauron of the internet world and seems to knows everything. I seem to remember 42 on your myspace but I may well be wrong, memory is not my strongest point.
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no she never said owt actually.
you had me worried I had made that up there lol

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