CRINGE..... I was watching 'Memoirs of a Geisha', with my flatmate the other night and a scene came on showing a gorgeous golden sunrise... I just didn't think... and suddenly sighed and said, "I bet they have those gorgeous sunrises over in the east all the time...".... to which my flatmate burst out laughing and just said that it wouldn't be much different to what we would get here as the sun ALWAYS rises in the east, no matter where we are in the world....
I guess I understand what he's getting at but I still can't quite grasp it.... if that's the case, how come the sunsets in other countries are always more beautiful than they are here? Also, I thought it would be the same concept with the stars.. no matter where you are on holiday, you can always see the same stars, ie. the frying pan, etc.
Are sunsets in other countries always more beautiful?
However, the fact is that the quality of sunset in any two locations is always going to differ depending on a whole host of local factors; pollution, precipitation, cloud cover, latitude, the environment in which you view it (i.e. looking over a body of water vs in a built up area) etc.
Hahahaha... I do it all the time.... a suprising amount of people tell me I'm pretty intelligent, and yet I ALWAYS slip up with a classic one liner, as above... maybe I should be entered in FHM and get the free case of whisky.....
Dont know whether i misunderstood the last part of your question, but i dont think you see the same stars in the Southern Hemisphere, i.e. Australia and the southern Cross and other constellations. x
But i know what you mean about the sunrise, it always looks more romantic coming up over sea and sand and palm trees, rather than factories and high rise flats. x
Think about it, you see the sunsets you refer to in pictures and holiday brochures, ie the ones picked out as good pictures. Sunsets anywqhere have th epotential for beauty. As for the stars the sothern hemisphere has differenet constellations and what's visible depends on latitude and the progress through the sidereal year. There is some overlap obviously.
Jeanette, that is exactly the sort of thing i would say and i know what you mean!!
Sunflower, I agree with you re. the sunset in Oia, Santorini. It was amazing. People settling themselves down with beers and food every night, just to watch this fantastic sight. The whole village buzzed with people waiting for it to happen. Great experience.