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What makes a good man?

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4getmenot | 11:28 Tue 27th Feb 2007 | Body & Soul
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faithfulness,honesty and a sense of humour
My boyfriends parents did!
wasnt wentworth the dog that Jamie (of the magic torch) owned??
Oh my! Only the hottest person on the planet. You know, him off Prison Break.

See this:- e.php?album=lastup&cat=0&pos=1

You see what I mean now 4get? ahh, absolutely perfect!
Question Author
Looks a bit like Shayne Ward, nice looking but surely gay
didnt i read somewhere that hes gay.

does that make a perfect man.?

this will get the minds working lol
great mninds eh.
no i did read on friggersworld someone said he is in fact gay.

so maybe thats the perfect man.a gay man lol
Well actually there were rumours but I don't think I believe it. I'm sat in my office staring at my Wentworth Calendar right now. Gosh, I am so sad. I suppose he does look like Shayne Ward a bit, but is far much better looking.

I don't think this is really what you meant though was it when you asked the question.... sorry
A healthy appreciation of mushrooms.
well apart from the sex i suppose a gay man could have chats and go shopping etc and help around the house.
so maybe im right .

A good man is hard to find.

Or, as Mae West would have it, a hard man is good to find.
White wine. Lots of it.
I refuse to believe it ....... sob sob sob.
They may do bad but they're still good people. Why are you negative about men 4get?
i dont think shes negative.
i think she was asking not telling
I know she's asking but when f her replies are about them being good for a while then doing bad thats negative. Just wondered?
maybe shes been burnt.
havent we all?
Too true?
but most men are like that wigglebum. They always do something good and then spoil it by being bad. Im not saying that they do bad things like cheat or lie, but at the very least most of them pee on the toilet bowl or leave the milk out of the fridge (a hanging offence imo) :)
Ohh yeah hanging offences indeed!!!

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