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Partners mates

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bounceagain | 16:10 Wed 28th Feb 2007 | Body & Soul
12 Answers
Do you get on well with your partners mates if not does this effect your relationship with your partner? And should this effect your relationship?


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This is one of the reasons me and my partner have split. I used to get on with his mates and we all hang out but within the last year or so they became completes @rses and left me out of everything. Its always good to get on with your partners mates. In a way it shouldnt effect it if the bloke has the guts to tell his mates he's with you, unfortunately my bloke didnt.
My ex didn't get on with my best friend - nothing he could put his finger on, he just didn't like here which is strange as she is one of the nicest people going. Caused lots of tension.
My hubby has a friend who he thinks is great, i dont agree, hes a total *****!
It did effect out relationship at one point because this bloke has a wife and kid but doesnt give them two thoughts and is always out getting drunk, and i mean ALWAYS, i found he was encouraging my hubby to do the same and he dug his heels in when i protested, i was pregnant at the time and he was putting this fool before his family. It caused some arguments i can tall ya. Luckily, its changed now and he doesnt go out with this bloke much at all these days.
How about Partners mates getting on with you?, my wife was out with a friend yesterday, and it turns out her friend said ' I don't know how you can live with him', nice,

I think it may be because I'm a believer in 'a place for everything, and everything in its place'.
I get on with all of Mr Hellion's mates - if they come round or ring when he's not in they always stay and chat, they treat me like a big sis. Funny thing is though Mr Hellion is not botherd about my friends, he gets on OK with them but always moans if we get invited round to any of them (and their partners) and quite often refuses to go ,so I go on my own. I do get annoyed - and embarrased - sometimes but in the great scheme of things it's no biggie!
Out of all my husbands mates they are all lovely apart from one who is a complete ****. Hence the reason neither of us speak to him and his nutter girlfriend anymore.
I get on brilliantly with all of my boyfriend's friends, except one. It's an unspoken, mutual thing. He hates me because I 'took away' his 'pulling partner' and reckons my boyfriends is under the thumb (he so isn't!).

I dislike him because he's so arrogant and will say to my boyfriend, when they're out, "Ooh, that girl's eye-ing you up. Go for it! Whiskey will never find out!". My boyfriend thinks the sun shines out of his bum, though.

:o) x
I wasn't accepted very well by my 'now' ex's friends. Couldn't put my finger on it at the time as I was very polite, I bought a round when I first met them and listened to them, showed interest in the boring cr*p that some of them were talking about and was able to show this by asking relevant questions.
Basically, I did the text-book stuff that you have to do to get on with your partner's mates.
Turns out they didn't like me because I hadn't grown up them, or hadn't gone to uni with them, or hadn't smoked joints with them in college (yes, this was one of the reasons).
Caused a hooooge argument when I said to my girl that I had not desire to meet that bunch of selfish, stuck up, stoned a*seholes ever again. It instantly cut the time in half that I could see her and was one of the reasons cited when we broke up.
It sucks how her / his mates can affect things.
Oh, have since found out that half of them are now divorced, one is in prison and another 'came out' to his girlfriend two days after I'd met him. Hope it wasn't because of me. :)
i get on with my hubbys mates great, may sound silly but i even go out with them sometimes to the pub,im the only woman there,i get my drinks bought for me and have a great laugh,they dont mind me coming out at hubby is the one who says to come out,no it doesnt effect our relationship at all.
Generally we have separate sets of friends, as we did before we met. I like all his mates enough, and totally trust my boyfriend so Im quite happy for him to go out with them as much as he wants. Thankfully I always come first before his friends, so there is never a problem. He has only one single friend, who works abroad anyway so generally the other guys are the same as him. They are all at least engaged and two have new babies so their priorities are different.
I get on with his friends-ish...but not his parents! This is affecting our relationship!

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