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Co-Dydromol and alcohol

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dot.hawkes | 22:53 Sat 03rd Mar 2007 | Body & Soul
124 Answers
is it ok to mix them?


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Hey.....I'm using my name Dot. You hurl abuse not have no other user names....??????

You are a liar....dippy sandy and whoever

Call me whatever you want Dot......Thick I am not....but you know that already because I have the message history of msn when you tell me that I am clever......

Bet you wished you had never typed those words.....

You started this sh! stirred it up, you cause the trouble......then have the cheek to slag us off.

Tina.....whoever you are....fair play.....

Sad really though when someone has to get a new user name to tell the truth....

Dot.....Why did Estie leave again?
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I don't think so Dot.....I haven't got the ability to be that thick.....

My pals?

Who are they.....the only person I am in regular contact with on this site is Curly.....and as you know, he doesn't get involved in squabbles....

Re read some of the answers that you have been given over the various threads.....
I don't think so Dot.....I haven't got the ability to be that thick.....

My pals?

Who are they.....the only person I am in regular contact with on this site is Curly.....and as you know, he doesn't get involved in squabbles....

Re read some of the answers that you have been given over the various threads.....

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Co-Dydromol and alcohol

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