To be eligible for such eye tests, your employer needs to define you as a DSE 'user'. The Health & Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regs 1992 define a user as 'an employee who habitually uses display screen equipment as a significant part of his normal work'. As you would expect of our legislation, it doesn't specifically define how many hours' use qualifies you to be an 'habitual user'. However, with DSE use now so commonplace, most employers designate all staff who use them as 'users' for the purposes of the DSE Regs and allow them free eye tests. Employers are not obliged to automatically provide eye tests, but they do have to make all employees aware of their right to ask for a free eye test. Employees must be allowed paid time off work to attend eye test appointments and if the employee is required to wear glasses for DSE work, the employer is required to pay the cost of a basic pair of glasses (the employee can of course opt to get a fancy pair and pay the difference in cost themselves).