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ashes made into a diamond?

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bubbles4920 | 23:02 Mon 19th Mar 2007 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
what is this? someone told me that you can be made into a ring when you die by using your ashes. anyone ever heard of this or know of someone who it happened to, creepy!!


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It was on TV the other day but it said animals not humans
Here it is on the news
�12,000 Though 389493.stm
Kindly let me rest in peace with the worms
Saw someone have some ashes put into the ink he was having his tattoo done with - Thought that was kinda cool.
It was on tv a few years back. It costs quite a lot to have done and I personally am not sure I would like to wear a loved one on my finger.

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ashes made into a diamond?

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