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how come????

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rugeleyboy | 22:39 Sat 07th Apr 2007 | Body & Soul
10 Answers
after winning something for myself on ebay an item that cost �400 and i was so pleased with myself that i told my wife and she made me feel so bad that i have been mentaly forced into buying her a diamond ring???

how do you bloody women do it???


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It's a knack we have ;o)
Its a skill that we have to learn and some learn it better than others lol!
Why are you so gullible!!! or if you felt guilty perhaps you were being selfish?
hello she gets a ring she will be happy think of all the fun she might give you in the bed room if your lucky :)
usually we want something that cost 3 times the amount you spent - it's an unwritten law and god help you if you break it!!! you should have told her you only spent �100, that's what a woman would say,but men are a bit thick , he he
Spill the beans then rugeleyboy, what did you buy on eBay that cost �400 + a diamond ring?

And how come your Mrs gets a diamond and all my bloke offered was a pushbike? (He says it's so I can join him and Aprilis Jnr on rides out around the local countryside. I say it's because he's trying to kill me. Either that or give the locals a damned good laugh, LOL!)
its a knack they have !!! :-)

man, you are such an easy target ! be pleased with yourself, but why did you give in to her ???

buy cubic zirconia and tell her its diamond !!!
Why do you say you 'won' something on e-bay? You bid and were successful. I guess it would depend what it was you 'won' and whether she thought you were reasonable. She can't 'make' you feel guilty, you just are guilty.
divorce her...that'll teach her
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good idea zorro!!

funky............... my wife would know!!!

thugulike.......... excuse my gramma mate i is a thit bick!!

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how come????

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