Love letters to 7 yr old. in The AnswerBank: Family & Relationships
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Love letters to 7 yr old.

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PinkFizz | 11:50 Thu 26th Apr 2007 | Family & Relationships
12 Answers
There is a little girl in my son's class who is really fond of him,bless. They are both 7 and she follows him everywhere, which he says drives him mad but I think he secretly likes it! He came home yesterday and said that she had written him 5 love letters. I said how sweet and he got them to show me. Well, I'm not quite sure what to make of them because they say the following:

" Will you sex me?"
" ......please sex me"
" I want you to sex me"
"I love me. Will you sex me"

And the last one was what I would have expected.

" I love you ".

Now unless kids have developed a new language for kissing etc I just don't know quite what to make of them.

Is this normal with 7 year olds???

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I wouldn't worry about this. Do you know the little girls mum at all? It might be worth having a chat with her about the letters. I seriously wouldn't think that she means what you would imagine her to mean - they are obviously too young - but I understand your concern. Have a chat with her mum and I can guarantee all will be OK.
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i have a 7 yr old and he has an idea what sex means but not all the details. When he first found out he used the word whenever he could usually in the most inapproprite places.
I wouldnt get to upset over it she properly doesnt know the true meaning. I agree with budlet and would approach her mum she will probably feel like you do
Are you sure she didnt mean text me - i know how god aweful my 7 years olds spelling is!!!
My 7 year old goes about saying - so & so is sexy - I said he doesn't know what sexy means and he said - yes I do, it means pretty.

I think that at this age they use words they do not really know the true meaning of because they hear grown ups use them. However they tend to make more innocent connections as to what they mean in relation to context they are said. IYKWIM.

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No, her handwriting is remarkably good for her age - it is very neat, and clear!! I really don't think she knows what she is saying, but if it was my child I would want to know they were using inappropriate words for their age.
Will you sex me PinkFizz??
I have heard of this beforem when I was in school it was kind of a term that vaguely meant kissing because nobody was really sure what it was, hence "Will you sex me?" not "Will you have sex with me". Kids know it is a word they are not supposed to know about.

During Easter hols my sis-in-law was in the kitchen washing up and my six year old neice flicked the TV channel and Jeremy Kyle was on, she went up to the screen and read aloud "Mum, you had sex with my boyfriend. Mum, does that word say SEX? Why does it says SEX?".

Now, I don't know what happened after that but say little one had asked what sex was and SIL had said, "well it's like when grown ups kiss", there would be nothing stopping my neice going into school the following week and asking her beau to sex her.

My God, you don't think they're getting together do you? PinkFizz, she's just not ready to settle down yet......
Well i'm 12 and I have just read through and I thought I should tell you this.
One day my little sister she was seven she was "going out" with a boy who was six from next door, well on this particular day they were kissing round the back of his house: the little brother ran out and saw them (he was 3 but he and his brother knew a lot about sex and stuff like that.)
So he ran inside to tell his mum that My sister and his brother were sexing in the back garden!
His mum ran out only to see them kissing each other.
my neice when she was about 7 or 8 took pictures of the little boy next doors willy! i think my sister got a shock when she picked up the pictures
I have a 7 year old daughter and she certainly does not write things like that. There is a boy that gave her a valentines letter but it read ' I think you are really lovely, from x'

I think you should approach the parents as they may not be aware that their child is writing things like this.

I think 7 is far to young to be even be using the word sex!

Good luck.

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Love letters to 7 yr old.

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