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am i the only woman who does not like ...

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redhead23 | 22:45 Thu 26th Apr 2007 | Body & Soul
47 Answers
anyone answer this please


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grumpy i would only want a man for hes money . thats all men are fit for lol
err thanks whats wrong with dave
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that is correct and putting up shelfs - even then they make them wonky
red no im a woman dont think i look like a man hope not anyway . dont know how to talk to you other than on here msn only way i guess . but im not putting my e mail add on here no way
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nothing if ur a man

i dont want sleeps comming out is she is a man unless she is a tasty johhny depp lookalike

knowing my luck it will be alf garnet or steptoe xx
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no i dont expect u to mate , then ull get the nutters like norman the dog and sweaty balls heather harrasing you for sex
so how do we do msn from here >
no im not a man ask ummmm she has seen my pic on msn . im pretty pretty ugly lol
DIY is not really my thing, pay a big moustached builder to do stuff, nice guy, stupid facking facial hair though.
put your phone number on here im sure no one will ring you lol DONT REALLY IM ONLY JOKING full off nutters on here .watch that grumpy and mrk they are really odd . lol
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heres my number 6 6 6 call me lovers , friends and norman and sweaty ******** heather
i will set up a new email add some time and put on here just for ab i dont want to put my main one on here .
I got a catapillar crawling up my chin!!!
I am becoming less nutterish, I have had my corner cleaned out and I saw sunlight today, . bloody hell Red I just tried to phone that number and got sweatyheather!!!!!!!!
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will i be able to contact u then sleeps and eventua;lly send u an email or should i ask ab editor to send u my email just popping to shop for some chocs later bitches xx
no i will o a new e mail add soon ok enjoy your choc . if your thin hope it makes you fat . i fancy some chco now .
I still have easter egg if you want a bit sleepy.
I have a bit of a facial hair phobia and its just plain uncomfortable for snogging!
Sleeps ive just set up a temp e-mail add if you want to email me i will pass it on to red
if you dont like your moustache red you can get feminine creams to remove it, or simply bleach it out, or have a shave!!
To be honest, I am not against any kind of facial hair on a man as long as he keeps it clean and well groomed. If he is happy with it, so am I. We women wouldn't want men telling us how to wear our hair or do our make-up. Right? So, why should men not be allowed to have their hair, including facial hair, as they would like it? It is the character of the man that counts and how he treats his lady that are far more important issues! :o)

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am i the only woman who does not like ...

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