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Migraine problem!

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marianll | 06:32 Mon 30th Apr 2007 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
I suffer from intolerable migraines every day and i seem to always have a headache (from mild to moderate), its even worse when i go out. Is it really bad to be getting a migraine every day? Could it be serious? Thanks for any help.


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MarianII, go and see you doctor, make an appointment today.It could be nothing but it is better to get a professional opinion rather than let us speculate as we are not qualified.

Take care
are you under any stress at all?, there are a hatful of reasons for persistant headaches, ranging from stress to hayfever!

If I was having daily migraine I would definatly see the doctor, I will say though that I have been getting a lot of headaches lately because of hayfever
Go and see you GP, as warpig says, make an appointment today and dont put it off.

If the headaches are that bad and daily then your first port of call should have been your GP rather than a bunch of strangers on a website.

Please make that appointment!
Do you wear glasses. If so I would,apart from GP visit. arrange eye test.
They have specialized equipment for looking behind the eye to ensure all is well.
I mention this because one of my wives had glaucoma which the GP did not detect.
If it is a migraine as opposed to just a headache! I think the most common things that trigger a migraine is cheese, coffee and chocolate, with carakeel, a sudden change in the weather does it when there are very low clouds.

Headaches and migraine are very different, if you have a migraine, you wouldn't be able to go out! you lie down in a darkened room away from any light.

I really am being pedantic aren't I!!

My husband used to suffer migraine - they made him violently sick, he was unable to function at all - could not tolerate light or smells while he was having an attack. He had to lie down with the curtains closed.

Imigran (which you can now buy over the counter) was a huge relief to him - if he took it as soon as he got the warnings. Flashing lights in his case. He could get on with his day. It was like a miracle, the difference it made to him.

If he woke up with a migraine, nothing would shift it.

As already said, if it is migraine - see the gp.
marianll are you on the pill at all cos I had to come off the compbined pill as I got really bad migraines. I can only take the mini pill now!

Also I tend to get headaches if I have not drank enough, it is my body's way of telling me I am dehydrated... or sober hahahahaha!!!
marianll, please do as everyone has suggested, go see your GP. If these are migraines, there are a variety of tablet you can take that will prevent them from coming on so often and others that will reduce the severity and make life far easier. It is best to aim for prevention rather than symptomatic treatment and you need help to identify what triggers them. So ... again, go to your GP. I have suffered from severe migraines for many, many years and only a few months ago, in preparation for a total knee replacement, I was put on a drug called Propranolol. This is actually a heart medicine. GPs sometimes give it to severe migraine sufferers as it can also reduce and sometimes prevent the onset of migraines. It is working brilliantly for me! I haven't had a single migraine in months! As RATTER said, mine are caused by stress and weather pressure changes, so are very hard to handle normally. It is important though that your GP identify whether or not yours are actually migraines, or whether they might be cluster headaches or something else. I hope your GP finds the answers for you soon and wish you all the best. :o)
I've suffered from cluster migraines for many a year,& have tried loads of remedies, the last one being acupuncture.
To cut a long & boring story short, the only one that works for me is Imigran nasal spray, which can only be got on prescription from the doctors. In the meantime look at this link p://
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Thank you everyone for your help! I've never had so many answers on here!!! you've all been a great help and I have made the appointment!! thank you!

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