You are quite right Elle, it was a poor choice of words to include suffer in my original answer, but as Incitatus has pointed out, it is somewhat of a disadvantage in a mainly right-handed society. As a Lefty myself, I too have adepted very well to life in a right-handed world... except with writing. At my dutch school in the 50s one just wasn't allowed to write with the left hand, resulting in an illegible scribble which now passes for my writing.
rja21107, you missed the main point. People like you and many others are deemed ambidextrous (perhaps not wrongly) because you can perform various tasks with different hands which people would expect a Lefty to only do with the left hand. To be truly ambidextrous you have to be able to bowl, bat or do various things with both hands equally well, very few people are gifted with that ability.