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What is wrong with people???

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Goodsoulette | 15:49 Wed 16th May 2007 | Body & Soul
41 Answers
I got woken up this morning to my 5 year old son in tears this morning because the cat had 2 holes in her head. I ran down the stairs thinking she had been knocked over but instead found her intact, very unresponsive and with 2 holes in her head that were filled with hollow plastic, I knes they were inbedded in her skull as they were indented into her head.

After a lengthy operation to remove more than a total of 5 of these pellets she should be okay.

Why? Why would anyone do this? The vet seems to think she was held down whilst she was shot. My blood is boiling over this.


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no no no im speechless.
they arent people in my eyes
I don't know what to say, some people are just evil through and through. Hope your kitty will be ok and that your son is not too traumatised by this.

have you spoken to or contacted the police?
Oh God, the poor thing!

It too makes my blood boil when things like this happen. How anyone can do this to any animal for jollies is beyond me.

Thank god your cat belongs to a caring owner who's bothered and can afford to make her better again.

Makes you wonder how many strays these cretins have shot and who are suffering without medical care huh?
OMG !!! You poor thing , you must have been outraged and upset , poor cat . It is beyond me how cruel people can be .
Hope kitty will recover well .All the best Goodsoulette. :-) x

You mean someone held down your little cat and deliberately shot her?

Beggars belief!!

I am so sorry for you.
Question Author
Thats the thing though Boo. I cant afford this at all. Its a horrific thing to happen to us. I have taken time off work to be with the children and money is stretching as it is but moneys just not the point. We had a video camera at the end of our road until 3 days ago and they decided it just wasnt needed there. Fortunately my dad has stepped in and said he will pay, I am dreading looking at the bill when I go and get her. If not I was gonna have to go to the PDSA!

The vets automatically report it to the RSPCA and they contacted the police and believe it or not the community policewoman actually turned up before lunchtime. Anyway I am hoping the little sh!ts that did this will brag about it, so I can drag them in to explain to my son why it was fun to shoot his cat.
OMG Goodsoulette that is just awful!!! I just can't begin to think how scum like this think of doing these terrible things, thank god like said above you are a caring owner and that she is going to be ok.
Hearing stories like yours and when they are on the local news haunt me forever as I just think they are beyond comprehension!

I wish her a speedy recovery and that the scum that did this get their just desserts! The *******'s!
It absolutely fills me with disgust to think of people doing this. It must have given you such a shock. At least she'll make a recovery and she managed to get back to you. Hope it all ends happily for you.
We have these sort of idiots in my area. Our local river had baby swans , families came every day to feed them .
Then one day there were no swans the kids who hang around a night had poured petrol over the nest and set fire to them.
Unbelievable. If I'd cought them in the act I don't know if I could have remained non-violent. Scum!!!
Happened to me when I was a kid, about 8 I think. My awful cousins were staying with us for a week end, and I caught one of them , aged 7, sitting on a step with my kitten between his legs, poking the poor thing with a stick in the belly.
I was always a "nice" kid, but I just jumped there and then and slapped him as hard as I could accross the face (and promptly lost it and ran crying to my mum). And I didn't get in trouble for it, cause my mum knew how they were. Still remember it to this day (and I hope he does too!). grrrrrrrrr!!!!
OMG thats just sick. what utter scrotes they are for doing something so horiffic as that.
I really hope that your cat gets through this OK.
There are times when Im glad my cats are house cats, Id hate to think of someone harming them in any way.
Oh, that's really awful G.

There are some very wicked, evil people out there. Shame they can't be caught, punished & made to pay for the vet's bills!!!!

I do hope your cat will be okay soon & that your son doesn't have nightmares after thinking about it, bless him. -x-
There are some really,really sick people out there.....several years ago when i lived in a small village I awoke one morning to find my cat at the bottom of the bed with a rabbit snare wrapped round her neck! Some idiot saw fit to laay these things in an area where not only cats could get caught in them, but where small children could come across them. Some imbecils have no thought for the harm they may do to the defenceless...probably see it as 'sport'. Hope your cat makes a full recovery.
that is horrible, the barstewards, i'd seriously like to hold them down and shoot them, i hope your poor cat is going to be ok x
same here..I feel sick now...x
That made me cry, poor little pet, Im with you mccfluff. I hate stinking slimeballs that hurt animals. Not nice I know but I hope something horrible happens to them.

OMG!!! i hope the cat is ok! your poor son! what little sh!ts!!!! words fail me, and that don't happen very often! all the best to all of you xXx
I'd never wish harm on anyone, or anything, but for this kind of cowardly act by lowlife, sh1t-for-brains wonkers, I will make an exception...

How awful for your son too. I have two, and I can only guess how it would affect them. I know your cat will be looked after, and fingers crossed will be OK, but it'll stay with your son for a lot longer - I do hope he's alright. Please send him a hug from me, poor little man xx
oh my goodness -thats terrible. It's really upset me - cant imagine how upset and angry you and your son must be....ARGH people like this should be hurt badly. In my area a couple of weeks ago kids tied up a dog and burnt it t death - people are so sick and they allow them to breed to produce more evil morons.

Hope you andkitty are ok after you recover from the shock of it all


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