a single mum if you have no family nearby and you work full time and live in privately rented accommondation. Would you get benefits to help you. What would you do, with the baby after Maternity Leave has ended. Could you get help funding a babysitter, etc? Is it a lonely (I am sure very rewarding) life where you are always skint?
being a parent wheather lone or not is the most difficult and rewarding job in the world.... being a lone parent is especially difficult and if no family near by much more difficult, contact benefits agency re anything that may assist you in working and being a parent, if that fails contact social work dept or citizens advice agency, good luck.
you need to get to the mums and tots group as early as possible and get all the latest local info about child minders, benefits etc, there is no better network.
Also I have to say even if your family live close by it is very difficult to be a single parent so without that support it is even more lonely and difficult.
You need to go out of your way to make friends with locals and I would imagine you could get tax credits towards childcare costs.
If I had a choice I would live closer to my family, unfortunately I cannot move from where I am until something becomes avaliable.