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on my way home

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shanx | 00:28 Sun 27th May 2007 | Body & Soul
130 Answers
just called in for one more at my local, who is in the pub i wonder?


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geordie think i need a bouncer do you want the job probs with sleepy i think
Thank you Geordie. Shanx Ive been here all the time. Im just quiet!lolx
well im off in to the back room who cares to join me . dont all rush at once lol im very tired so im not up to much to night .
night night xxxx
Well I only came in for a quiet pint (or 3) and ended up with a lovely roll from shanx. Now I'm jumping behind the bar serving the lovely Katie with a few drinks, and now you want me to be a bouncer! Of course I don't mind! That's if sleepy doesn't...!
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well it was nice while it lasted, but seems some one have had too much, and i have had verbal so the doors are closed,shame really but thats the youth of today point made
Looks like I'm on my own........
No you're not.x
Just got out lol
Just me and Katie! What you doing up at this time?
Of where???x
Soz mrk - you just sneaked in there!
I've just been talking to the most wonderful person in the world and now they've gone off to bed and I'm still here!lol What you doing up then eh?x
Ha! That sounds like a better evening than mine. I'm working - all night!
i cant sleep in that back room shanx i told you i need a new bed that one smells off fag and beer . and cats pee
I've a spare bed here for you sleepy
ok thanks where is it ? thought you was at work you dont work in a mad home do you ? i would fit in ok
I am at work, and where I work there are plenty of beds. Some of them are even unoccupied! Alternatively, you can have the bed at my place. At least then it'll be warm when I finally make it there.
lol wont you gf or wife mind or you in to 3 somes lol
do you work in a hotel hospital oap home lol
Ha! I do work for one of those sleepy. Good guessing!

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