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what is life

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knobbynonuts | 22:16 Sun 27th May 2007 | Body & Soul
12 Answers
and what do you want from it


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Hiya knobby......Oh I think I have everything I need.......lovely partner....beautiful daughter and grandaughter..... x
I ditto that bez but if anyone has a villa for rent for �300 quid a week in the caribbean my life would be complete.
I want a lottery win from life (obvious a know!)....
I want one of thoes bags that coleen had on that show the other day it was perple and green but it wud go with my new braiclet
I want to be with the one I love for ever ! I dont want much in life, just to be happy and comfortable.
life is what you make of it
Talk Talk wasn't it?
life is amazing, and it was only when someone close to me died that i realised how precious it is. i would like for life to continue as it is as i am feeling very happy at the minute
Life is a patchwork-quilt: get as many patterns in as possible.

ps: I came up with that one loooong before Forest Gump and the box of chocolates.
a coffee cream is my favourite
Acting and my friends are my life, and that's what I want to make it...

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