its saturday afternoon and its about 90 degrees heer. its scorching ive just been fior a few beers with my mate and im gonna go for a few more and maybe a few southern comforts too. what are you up to today?are you having fun? what would you recommend for someone to do on a hot summers day like today'
I've done the housework and washing. Just had dinner. Got my little cousin here so the kids are off playing. I've got the windows open (It's boiling) and have the music on loud with a glass of wine.....sipped very slowly as I'm off out tonight :-)
i have had a lovley day , went to the pub with my parents and son and had a lovely meal . feel as fat as a pig now :( i need to burn some fat off now .
We've had the paddling pool out for the first time this year, so the boys and I have been messing about in it. (It's quite big!) We put the slide over it to make our own mini water park and have been having a whale of a time. We had the rest of our home made ice cream for lunch (and nothing else, how naughty!) and have just had our tea outside too. Mr nutgone was at work, and came home with a few adult drinks so in a while I'm going to relax watching Doctor Who and Any Dream Will Do with an ice cold G&T. (Or four...)
that sounds lovely nut . any ice cream left for me now ? i bet not im full up now any way had a big meal and big bit of choc fudge cake today . so cant move much now :) thats my diet over this week now :(
We started our day off by having a stroll along the beach and back collecting shells (and sunburn!!!) Didn't realise it was going to get so hot!!
We then took a little picnic to a park, sat under the trees to eat then went and played!!
We also got to taste the first of our homegrown strawberries which was big, juicy and very sweet! Can't wait for more to grow!!
I can't decide now whether to go for a much needed nap or sit and drool (oops I mean watch) Dr Who (ducks the swipe from the fella!!)
aawww, sorry sleepy - that was the last of it! Lasted well though, didn't it?! Probably because it was so chocolatey and had no water, it was too much, too sickly and too rich (mmmmmmmmmmmm!!) to have a normal size scoop of it - you'd just pop. Next time we'll make double though and I'll save you a load! Strawberry I think, next time? Maybe with bits of meringue in??
well ive been to fanabe to get a computer desk.been shopping and bought some lovely strawberries and a few cases of cider.just chilling nicely.
now im watching dr who prog and gerting ready for a wee drinky.
panic whats your problem ya carrot muncher????