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Not quite sunburn

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Scarlett | 21:57 Mon 18th Jun 2007 | Body & Soul
9 Answers
I generally keep covered up in the sun but I was wearing a low cut top outside during a meeting and went all red on my chest. Since then the skin feels all bitty and goes smooth again on the white bits. I am angry with myself for potentially damaging my skin, but what can I do to help it get better? My Mum has really wrinkly "chest" skin and I am determined to not go the same way!


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Do make sure you moisturise. You may have got a bit of a heat rash (the bitty bits). Use after sun to cool it down and moisturise it.
Does it itch? It could be prickly heat which is like an allergic reaction. I get it all the time you can take antihistamines and should always use suncream
I, like your mum, have a wrinkly chest (only the chest though!!) where the sun over the years has burnt it, but I didn't know about it then, I put cream on all the time but it is so delicate now I have to cover up always. They say now not to bother with sun cream as it is useless, the proper way is to remain covered or stay out of the sun altogether. I have just spent a few days with a friend, sadly he has bad skin cancer. He was fair skinned and fair haired when he was young and worked as a farmer in the fields, now pays a high price for not knowing the risks. It really isn't worth it. You are right to cover upScarlett.
def sounds like prickly heat. Normally caused with sweat/heat or oil based product. Of course best thing to do is cover up but alternatively use a cream with spf or suntan lotion and best if oil free. Piz buin do oil free lotion.
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Thanks. I will moisturise but I do worry cos my skin hasn;t done this before. I'm now 37 so my skin is going to find it much harder to recover from this kind of sun damage. I am so cross with myself for letting this happen!
Its prickly heat!!
Tigwig knows!!
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No it's not itchy at all, Tiggy. I don't think it was prickly heat.

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Not quite sunburn

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