Post graduates usually rely on the diploma they recieve at the graduation ceremony . I don't know who would be able to confirm their staus unless you asked the university. What did they graduate in? Not obstetrics like you i can tell.
Along with other tests , such as urine and blood , the Doctor often does an internal in order to feel the state of the cervix and the size of the uterus.
Very witty doc but not at all helpful. The girl in question had an abortion 8 weeks ago at 19 weeks pg then with in weeks claimed to be pg again. She said a test came back positive. However 3 tests since all gave negative results. Still claiming she is pg she said she went to the doctors and he performed an internal examination and confirmed her pg? I have never heard of this however appreciate internals can be done further along in the pg.
Not that I need to explain myself to you but I will! I regularly post on a mother and baby website and it is just a commonly used abbreviation for the word pregnant or pregnancy. So no I wasn't being lazy just something I'm used to doing. And clearly it is obvious what i'm referring to so why the need to get your 10p's worth???
I was never given an examination, internal or otherwise (!) throughout my pregnancy, and that was only 3 years ago. I really can't see many doctors, especially male ones, willing to do that.