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desertrat | 16:36 Tue 23rd Mar 2004 | Body & Soul
10 Answers
What do people taste like?


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On the Pacific islands where cannibalism was practised, humans for the pot were apparently called 'long pig', so I assume we taste pretty pork-like.
*Bites arm* Yeah you're right Quizzie :oP
i found it a bit like pheasant !
According to the recent nutter in Germany who advertised on the net for someone to be rodgered then eaten (amazing what you can get online these days eh?), although most things tend to taste like chicken we do indeed taste like pork....Not suprising when you consider that pigs are used as donor animals for certain bodily parts for us and they are genetically and in body mass quite close as well.
The piece I tried tasted like fish
Of course, clowns would taste funny.
I have always associated pork with the taste you get when you bite the skin inside your cheek! So, I would say we taste like pork!
chicken, but then again, what does chicken taste like? Mostly everything and nothing simultaneously.
My father and uncles, close to starving, on the Kakoda Trail said that they could not feed themselves, let alone their Japanese POWs, therefore they swapped the POWs with the cannibals for "other" food. I figured I left this response long enough not to offend any mealy ones

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