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women !!

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legend758duo | 01:43 Wed 04th Jul 2007 | Body & Soul
52 Answers
Why are women more moody than men?I know they blame the old monthlies , rag week.But apart from that theyre moaning the rest of the month too.So is it an inbuilt failing in women?Or is it deliberate by women to p!ss men off?


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Yep, what Jules said! (Very well put, hun!) :o)

My boyfriend is also the moodiest person I know. We've decided he's high-maintenance.
Legend, what have you been smoking!!!

Stop bloody moaning at everybody and try and get a life for yourself!!!

Its not Women that p!ss men off its you just p!ss everybody off!!!
i will start at beginning.
nitestalker / bogeyman ....mmmm stevie p by any chance??Pot terying to call the kettle black.
jules you know i dont mean it ,well not it all.4 get seems you bear a grudge but like im worried eh?
pa ul rascist about english?surely english are a multicultural nation, well supposed to be.
The problem is they seem to be very rascist.As for ranting about women isnt that allowed im sick of reading endless rants from dizzy bints on here i hate my man ,he doesnt understand me ,we dont talk enough.Of course he doesnt and you dont as you are on the net looking fior men ya dozy bints.Being in denial of the fact doesnt change it.
ratter you are well know for your own rants ,
chill out man.
Will you stop tarring us all with the same brush, legend?! As has been said before, I think you moan more than any of the other posters on AB!
whiskey so i moan more than joe??
are you actually being serious here?
or are you having a partis hilton moment ??
Yes, I am being serious. I don't think Joe is as bitter as you come across. Is that okay?
how do I bare a grudge??? I'm pointing out exactly what everybody else has. You can talk about bearing grudges, still you're on about Joe the lion, who cares if he moans more or less than you, jeez get over it. and legend you've just moaned and moaned in your post. Nuff said.
you're right whiskey Joe doesnt ever start it. :-)
Leg-end, "ratter you are well know for your own rants ,
chill out man" !!! am I now lol Well i was unaware of that!!!

I am always chilled, nothing in my life to make me anything else but chilled!!

LOL! I don't recall any of your rants, RATTER! :o)
if i moan then 99% of time its about my fella or my boss (male). So what does that tell ya?
you need a new boyfriend and father?? :-)
Legend, going off the subject a bit but, do you ever smile?
And don't get onto JoeTL -
yes, he may be obnoxious at times but he's intelligent
mamamar that s a matter of opinion.
whiskey i hope you and 4get and joe are very happy.

red you moan at your man nuff said

i come here for a laugh.mostly at th expense of folk with nio sense of humour or that think they are better than me.
hence the reason i take satisfaction from taking the mickey.
somre folk are a bit dense and it goes over their heads .
eh ladie s??

lmao at the answers here.
people spending so much time taking it serious.
but its p�sssing my day lol.
oh why's it always a matter of someone ganging up. We just dont agree on somethings and just because we agree with others doesnt mean we havent made out own mind up about you. you can keep laughing but I think you're begining to see that you're getting very tedious to people on here. I will answer good questions and wont bother with others doesnt matter who posts them to me.
Women can't drive!!
Were i work i see more women drivers driving dangerously than men.
I'm very happy, thanks, legend. Hope you are, too.

You said it: "somre folk are a bit dense".
when it all backfires thats what you seem to always say hang on I was joking.... Blah Blah Blah. If joe the lion had posted this you would get on his back straight away, have you ever realised that he's joking half the time and doing it to wind you up. You should just let it go over your head, oh and chill :-)
not at all 4get.
i posted this before i went to bed it was a night time post thats still here.
so caklm down you really are starting to look like you have a problem here.
let it go and move on .
you are being very silly now.
and incase folk think im just ranting heres an answer on another thread see if you can tell from her psot what the thread is about "I�m amazed I came on here this morning and no question after question from you legend, did you actually sleep? Or did you not get a paper yesterday? "
or is the post just another dig at me totally unrelated to the post?
well how about over your head?
no you dont do that do you?
maybe you are the one that needs to let go.
stop being so silly eh?

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