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Am I being paranoid?

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zena-lisa | 19:01 Mon 09th Jul 2007 | Body & Soul
42 Answers
I'm an attractive 18 year old girl and when I was walking back from a shopping trip a Indian man who looked about late twenties stopped me and said "you look nice today" his English was terrible but he tried to ask me out and asked me where I lived. I don't know what it was but he really freaked me out. He seemed like a weirdo.I tried to tell him I wasn't interested but wasn't sure if he understood. I put it out of my mind but then a few days later while in town I saw him again and rather then him just give me a sideways glance he absolutely stared me. Three more times I saw him and both times he absolutely stared me.The last time I saw him was today and I tried not to catch his eye but he stopped me again and this time I was terrified because I was in a secluded area.He asked for my number,did I like him,once again where I lived.I pretended I had a phone call on my cell phone and walked away.I told my Muslim boyfriend but he was very unsympathetic and said it was my fault for wearing unrespectable clothes(I was wearing a long skirt and blouse)
I'm scared to go out alone now. Where I live is a small place and I just don't trust him. It's not like a normal guy asking you out or being a bit interested. It's like he's obsessed!



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Its "lose" whiffey....."loose" means as in a 'loose screw"......ahhh, i see where you were going now.............
Question Author
Of course 18 year olds use the words attractive!!!!!!! This is ridiculous!
This sounds like a wind-up to me.
Sorry if i have ruined the post by putting videos in but i am on a bet with some mates, to get �5.00 for each video i can put on here.
Your question is faultless punctuationally (is their such a word?) yet your answers are dripping with errors.

Go to the police matey. This is Britain innit.
cell phone, isn't that an americanism, we say mobile, well moby actually.
-- answer removed --
Dick dot.

Leon got banned, well Good Lord, madhouse tonite, there must be Scottish people abroad, awesome.

No hang on, he's back, it's like a Picnic at Box Hill.
why what Wardy? just sat down after me tea, not up to speed, what's goin on? I agree with whiffey, the question is so well presented and faultless, not used to that here are we? lol
Ahem, your worse than me at wrecking posts.
You've all lost the plot.
I hope your proud of yourselfs.
finally I don't have to feel like i'm the only idiot on here.
Well crossroads, the question was racist and religionist and culturist. We are all equal. It shouldn't matter how we dress, we should all be free from harrassment by men (or women or anything else indeterminate) of any race, culture, or religion.
Mention it to the police i doubt they will do anything but it cant do any harm, dont go out alone and stay away from secluded areas xxxxxxxxxxxx
Well done whiffey, you've managed to ruin the point of the question.
Now its your fault for wrecking the post.
If this man has stopped you in a secluded place & you feel you're being pestered by him, I'm amazed you haven't spoken to the police &/or asked for their advice yet.....
As well as the other suggestions you could take a personal alarm around with you for when you are on your own. If it was me I would mention it to my local police - as they may have some good tips on personal safety too.
Crossed posts with nursecarla - same sentiments.
Because they will say, press 1 if you are being murdered, press 2 if you are being stalked, press 3 if you are being burgled.
After you press 2.
Please hold the line while the operator finishes her coffee.
Please hold the line while the operator finishes her coffee.
Please hold the line while the operator finishes her coffee.
Please hold the line while the operator finishes her coffee.
After 20mins, You have been disconnected.
Please redial, we are now going to cut you off.
No I didn't. I just tried to deflect attention from your ruination (or is it ruining) of the post. I haven't wrecked the post, I've just made it multi-cultural (hooray) and anti-racist (hooray).

Do you want a fight or summat ? MSN me, urgent.

Not sure MSN is the best option.
How about you give me your credit card number and pin number and then we just forget it.
(Hah, i will soon be very rich!)

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