I have two 13 months apart (7 & 6 now) - I always wanted more than one and less than 4, having two that close together put me of having a third! I have a friend that had a little boy when her daughter was 6 - (now 7 and 1) I think that she has found it a lot easier to manage, and her little girl is great with the baby, and is old enough to understand that he has some needs that need to be met before her own. At the moment though - although they obviously love each other, the have very little in terms of shared interests. This may change as they grow older and the gap becomes less significant. I think that it really depends on the personalities, my friends little one looks like he is going to have the benefit of a loving and protective older sister, but it is not predictable. Personally , I am the youngest of 7 and have little on common with my oldest brothers, but my sister who is 7 years older than I am get on really well and shared a flat for a while. My nearest sibling is my brother who is 4 years older than me - we fought really badly until he was about 14 and we get on fine now.