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bobtheturkey | 17:20 Wed 11th Jul 2007 | Body & Soul
50 Answers
can you skim stones

who would win a fight between a lion and a tiger

was button moon cheap crap or a cult classic

have you ever hit 180 when playing darts

last time you made stew

did you squirt any of your pets with a water pistol as a child

what postion would you play steven gerrard if you were liverpool manager


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were you nervous before last dart?
Noooooo, I didn't think I'd hit the board let alone triple 20!!!x
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never play darts in slippers katie
Bingo, we've sussed you out. You didn't hit the 180 you hit triple 20 and on collecting the dart moved it into the middle of the board, ran around the bar like a headless chicken and then threw yourself onto the bartender asking for a pint on the house.
See, we knew it all along.
Oooooh why not Bob???x
Crossroads, I don't drink pints.x
oh i see, you prefer cans.
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because a dart flew out and embedded itself in my foot when i was wearing slippers, it turned septic and i was in agony for ages :)
Awwwww Bob, you poor poor angel. Crossroads, no I don't drink cans!!!!x
OK, so you drink bottles?
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that would cause glass in the intestines very dangerous
That just leaves,
drinking straight from the pump
drinking from a keg
drinking leftovers on the street
Your choice.
-- answer removed --
I drink Baileys from a glass.x
I was playing darts with a mate a couple of years ago and he threw one just as i was retrieving mine from the stuck firmly in th bone in th back of my hand....I had to yank hard before it came out
Not sure drinking Bailys from a 'glass' varse is very healthy.
Awwww i would have bandaged it :))))))))))) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you nurse, for that "very helpfull" advice.
I trust you wud have kissed it better nursey C.......b4 u bandaged

Bob...have u not joined the new season FF yet...Jack D posted a Q with the link and code
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no point picking a team yet neo too many transfers to come

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